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Pool Parking Lot & Landscape Changes

Your newly elected board of directors has acquired bids to repair the last item on the Stratford repair list before the repair cycle begins again on all amenity areas. This area is the Pool Parking Lot. The parking lot is at least 27 years old and has hundreds of feet of cracks and patched holes. This can no longer have a simple asphalt topper placed over the existing asphalt. It needs to be totally replaced to insure a long life of the asphalt surface. Being proactive, the board has decided to enlarge the lot in order to help with future growth. You will see on the following diagram just how this will be accomplished cost effectively accomplished. The board will also do some landscape repairs.

Proposed Parking Lot Changes

More projects will be shared with you as quickly as they can be finalized.

PARKING LOT ($20,000)

  1. 5 new parking slots will be added on either side of the driveway into the area.

  2. A rolling curb will replace the 90 degree curbs at the far end of the parking lot. This will be just like the curbs at your home to enter your driveway. By doing this, it will enable Golf Carts and ATV’s to be parked in the grassy area to create more parking slots for larger vehicles.

  3. Sidewalks will be reworked and or extended to accommodate the new parking slots.

  4. The lot will be lined to designate each individual parking slot.

LANDSCAPE ( approx. $2,000)

The juniper hill between the Tennis courts and the south end of the pool will be replaced. The junipers in this area have been overrun with vines and the area is not very attractive. A few plants in the islands will be replaced due to them dying. A plan for flowering plants is in the works for the islands.

Telephone and EMAIL Blast

The accompanying page is the 2018 Telephone/Email blast sign up or revision contact sheet. If you wish to be on the Email Blast but not included in the printed telephone directory please note that on the form provided. This can be mailed to the Stratford on Lanier PO Box provided below or put in Robin Neill’s mailbox.

Keep an eye out for more from the Stratford HoA.



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